Here’s the thing. We’ve been doing this for a combined 50 years, give or take. We have been fortunate and privileged with the opportunities this business has afforded us. And we share a passionate belief that it’s time for a new thing, for everyone. Because the big picture only works when it includes more voices and more perspectives. Building a new thing is our first step to create more opportunity. Walk the walk.


Adrien Bindi

As a multidisciplinary creative director with over 17 years of experience spanning 2 continents I think I can say I’ve just about seen it all. Mostly it’s been the best job in the world to have the honor to lead work, and teams as an Art Director, Creative Director and Creative strategist at some of the best agencies and companies on the planet including Goodby Silverstein & Partners, Wieden + Kennedy and Facebook/Instagram.

I’ve built a career challenging convention with innovative thinking and a strong attention to craft and generally just a “never settle for good enough” attitude. This has won me a respectable pile of awards and a well earned perspective on them. The best award I’ve received is hearing a stranger tell me about a commercial they saw that was “so funny, because the guy is crunching and he can’t hear anything” and not telling them that i made it.

Abbreviated list of shiny things:

A Cannes Grand Prix for Creative Effectiveness with a global film for Heineken, a 23min rock opera to help high school students in California for GotMilk?, and and ADC Tomorrow Award for a first ever digital novel with Land Rover.


Jonathan Graham

As the Executive Creative Director at B-Reel New York, I was scared. Not my fault. I was born with a Y chromosome, (which I was never consulted on) and the fragile ego that comes with it. So you can bet the farm that being the boss during a time of deep social turmoil, a crippling pandemic and an ever fickle economy put a daily quake in my tum tum. But it also reminded me that it’s not about you dude, which is what I said to me. So when I say “I”, I really mean my team who won tens of awards, hacked numerous social platforms numerous times, built eye-level relationships with big clients who hadn’t even heard of us a month earlier, won a massive Hyundai launch project against some serious heavies who I won’t mention here, and most of all stayed a team.

Before that, I was a copywriter with perhaps a bit more grit than glitter. I worked my ass off to raise eyebrows and the occasional piece of hardware with my headlines, film work, activations of questionable legality and interactive Rihanna music videos. My life goals came to fruition when I became a creative director at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, where I put a few blue chip clients on the Super Bowl, and a few underdog start ups into the award shows. I’m pretty proud of the fact that I was always the dumbest person in the room, but smart enough to get into that room with Jeff and Rich, who would definitely confirm one of the two things I just said.


Nick Cade

As an award-winning Creative Director, I pride myself in creating work that makes people laugh. Except of course, when it’s making people cry. But the best ideas are the ones that make people think. Unless you’re in the middle of a pandemic that’s crippling the economy and causing you to question your own mortality and you just want to be mindlessly entertained. I can do that too.

So, in summary, I’m a seriously funny writer, with a nimble mind and a dark heart who creates ideas that really make you think, unless you’re not into that kind of thing which is totally cool too. I’m also pretty good at braiding my 8-year-old daughter's hair. But the most powerful tool in my arsenal is the ability to have fun. Because after 16 years working on brands like Toyota, Adidas, Disney and Uber, I’ve learned one thing; the more fun I have working, the better the work is.